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Maranatha Baptist Church is a Bible believing church whose purpose is to glorify Christ. We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to grow in grace and knowledge of His word. Our aim is to promote missions, outreach ministries, discipleship, evangelism, and encourage fellowship among the believers.
Pastor Steve Gibbs
We are a small, traditional, church where you are welcome and have the opportunity to use your talents for the glory of God.
Wayne Buckner - Deacon
Marie Hoots - Nursery
Butch Metcalf - Deacon
Charles Nodurft - Web Master
Mike Morgan - Deacon
Daphne Hedden - Pianist
Harry Nicholson
Deacon Chairman & Music Director
Anne Ricketts - Organist
Our Missionaries
Edward and Barbara O'Brien
Mexico Baptist International Missions Inc.
Edward and Debbie Capps (Mexico)
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
Joey and Kim Haynes
Christian Athletes at Wake Forest
Marvin Rosenthal
Zions Hope missionaries to Israel
Ann Leonovich
The Slavic Gospel Association to Russia
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